And She Doesn't Fall Down

Friday, June 09, 2006

Lost Pets

Tonight, lost animals just seemed to be attracted to me.

I started to walk to the grocery store when the most forlorn looking dog appeared. As I drew closer to the dog, he came closer as well. He started following me, so I stopped; I didn't know if he was friendly or had his shots. He walked a few feet away from me and laid down. He was wet, his eyes were red, and...I had to fight off the tears. Really, I'm an emotional wreck of a human being. I didn't know what to do, but a man came out of his house and said he would return the dog to the owners. Relieved, I continued on to the grocery store.

On my way home, I saw something laying in the middle of the road. This time, it was a cat. As I got closer, it decided to come closer (Notice a pattern?). Fortunately, it had a collar so I knew it had its shots. Unfortunately, there was no home address. The cat followed me until it had an itch. I suppose I got boring, so the cat stopped following me. I still feel a tad guilty for leaving the poor thing out in the wet, chilly night.

As I returned home, the dog was still in the same place! It had been around 1/2-1 hour since I had left him. The neighbors and I stayed with him until the man who said he would return him actually followed through. I gave the dog some food and water. He didn't seem thirsty, but he ate all but a few pieces of dog food.

Oh my! How sad it is that this is possibly the most exciting thing to have happened to me in a long time.


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