And She Doesn't Fall Down

Friday, June 16, 2006

What I Actually Ate

Well, I tried to eat according to my planned flog, alas, it did not work out. I ended up shopping and just couldn't get myself to make a salad and my greens soup (which wasn't very soup-like, but still tasty!)

What I actually ate:
  • 1 cup bananas
  • 4 cups apples
  • Bowl of green soup
  • Ounce of cashews (Hey, I tried to give them up, but needed the energy for shopping!)
  • 1 cup mung beans
  • A bunch of carrots (Maybe 2 cups?)
So, I didn't exactly meet my raw veggie goal, but at least I got pretty close to the plan!

So, any Yahoo E2Lers lurking around out there?


  • Well, this is my first time visit here, since I'm just catching up on my E2L emails.

    My blog is loaded with non-E2L stuff, and it's nice to come across one that's not!

    By Blogger kaivegan, at 12:25 PM  

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